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Nous sommes les leaders du Web 3.0 Certains disent que nous l'avons inventé


iCANetwork Phone Apps

This is absolutely amazing.. You've got to see this... You've got to have one of these!

You can now have your own phone app!

You can use it as a business tool...

You can use it for family...

You can use it just for fun!

And guess what? The price is SO crazy-low that ANYONE can get on board with this!

You don't have to spend $thousands on developing an app, only to submit it to the App Store or Marketplace and have it be rejected. In fact, because we've developed our app platform as a "mobile web site" app, our system bypasses the App Store and Marketplace altogether!

And, what makes this incredibly cool is that you can change the content in your app any time you want simply from your web-based back office and...

Your members, customers, subscribers, can simply download it to their home screen and you can keep in touch with them everytime they tap your App's icon!

OR, just send them a Text message!

By the way, this is INCLUDED FREE with your phone app account! Ask all your customers, family, friends, etc. to subscribe to your SMS text service. Then, send them a text WHENEVER you want.

You just log into your back office, type or paste in your SMS text message and submit to all of your SMS subscribers.

Have a monthly, weekly, or DAILY special? Send a text to everyone on your SMS subscriber list! Update your App? Send a text to let your customers, family, or friends know! Offer a coupon through a text blast. And so on and so on! Do you get the idea?

Smart phones are taking over the internet, don't get left out on this technological wave... it's happening right now! Think of your smart phone app as an advertising tool, or as a communication tool, or both!

Alert your customers to specials, click the mouse, send a text message anytime of the day or night, as often as you want... No extra charge!

This is amazing!

Got a facebook page? Put your phone app link on your facebook page and then... show them the link for YOUR smart phone app affiliate account...

That's right... We've got a 2-level affiliate program you MUST check out.

We are taking over the net with this brand new technology.

No matter what field you're in, no matter what market you serve, you better hurry! You can beat your competitors to the punch. But you have to take action NOW.

Or, just use it for family and friends. Think mini facebook page with a special alert that you can let all you subscribers know about every time you update it.

This technology works on all smart phones - iPhones, iPad, Android-based systems, you name it.

Be among the first, don't be the last, you are about to be amazed.


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